Exploring the Mystical World of Shamanic Energy Medicine - What to Expect From a Session

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Shamanic energy medicine is an ancient practice used to heal physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. It involves tapping into the energy of the natural world and connecting with the spirit realm in order to bring balance and harmony to the individual. Through this powerful practice, one can access deep healing and transformation. In a shamanic energy medicine session, the practitioner will use a variety of tools and techniques to access the spiritual realms, facilitate healing, and provide guidance and direction. During a session, you can expect to explore the depths of your physical, mental, and spiritual being, to receive insight and clarity, and to gain a deeper understanding of your purpose and potential. Whether you are seeking physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual growth, a shamanic energy medicine session can provide you with the healing journey you need.

What to Expect from a Shamanic Energy Medicine Session

A shamanic energy medicine session will vary based on your needs and the needs of the moment. It can be as brief as 30 minutes or as long as several hours. Expect a transformative journey that will provide insight, clarity, and healing on many levels. The experience will be deeply personal based on your spiritual journey, needs, and desires. You may experience vivid visions and emotions, extreme clarity and insights, or an entirely different realm of consciousness. You might experience an intense sensation of heat, cold, vibration, or other physical manifestations. You may also experience an altered state of consciousness where you feel as though you are out of your body. The process is highly individualized and cannot be accurately described. Each journey is different and will be guided by the practitioner according to the needs of the moment.

The Benefits of Shamanic Energy Medicine

Shamanic energy medicine provides physical and emotional healing, guidance and clarity, and access to deep insight and understanding. It is an ancient practice used to heal the physical body, mind, and spirit. It involves accessing the energy of the natural world, connecting with the spirit realm, and bringing balance and harmony to the individual. Through this powerful practice, one can access deep healing and transformation on many levels. It also facilitates transformation and changes on all levels. It can be used for physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual growth. It is often used as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. It is also used to facilitate psychological healing and spiritual growth. Its uses are varied depending on the needs of the individual and healer.

Exploring the Spiritual Realms

During a shamanic energy medicine session, the practitioner will guide you to access the spiritual realms and explore different aspects of your being and spiritual journey. You may explore your connection to the natural world, animals, or elements, or you may visit the upper, middle, or lower realms of existence. As you explore these realms, you may encounter guides, teachers, or other entities who will provide insight and direction. You might encounter aspects of yourself that you have hidden or repressed, and they may be brought to light during the session. You might also be given the opportunity to transform those aspects that you no longer wish to keep with you. You can expect to access deep healing and transformation on all levels.

Physical and Emotional Healing

As you explore the spiritual realms and connect with various aspects of your being, you may also be provided with the opportunity to heal emotional and physical wounds and issues. You may be given the opportunity to release emotional traumas and heal past wounds, or you may be given the opportunity to transform physical issues, including chronic pain. You may also be provided with insight and direction on how to best proceed forward in your life. You may be guided on how to best access your own healing power and resources. You may also be given the opportunity to release and heal negative thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back. You can expect to release emotional burdens, find emotional healing, and gain clarity on how to best proceed forward in your life.

Guidance and Clarity

As you explore the spiritual realms and connect with various aspects of your being, you may also be provided with the opportunity to receive insight and clarity on a variety of issues. You may be given the opportunity to better understand your life journey and the lessons you have been given, you may be provided with insight into the issues you are currently facing, or you may be given the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of your spiritual gifts. You can expect to gain clarity on a variety of issues, including your past, present, and future life experience, your spiritual gifts, and the issues you are currently facing.

Accessing Deep Insight and Understanding

During a shamanic energy medicine session, you can expect to experience an altered state of consciousness where you can gain a deep and profound understanding of various issues in your life. You may be provided with the opportunity to explore your past or present issues, or you may be given the opportunity to explore future potentials or probabilities. You can expect to gain a greater understanding of your past, present, and future. You can expect to gain insight into the underlying causes of your issues and the best course of action to take in order to resolve them. You can expect to gain a greater understanding of your life journey and the lessons you have been given.

Using Shamanic Tools and Techniques

During a shamanic energy medicine session, you can expect to explore the use of various tools and techniques to facilitate healing, transformation, and accessing the spiritual realms. You may be provided with the opportunity to use sound, breath work, drumming, or movement, to name a few. You may also be given the opportunity to use symbolic tools, such as objects, animals, plants, or stones. You can expect to use a variety of tools and techniques to facilitate healing, transformation, and accessing the spiritual realms. The specific tools used during your session will be based on your needs and the needs of the moment.

Facilitating Transformation

During a shamanic energy medicine session, you can expect to use a variety of tools and techniques to facilitate transformation on all levels. You may be provided with the opportunity to use sound, breath work, drumming, or movement, to name a few. You may also be given the opportunity to use symbolic tools, such as objects, animals, plants, or stones. You can expect to use a variety of tools and techniques to facilitate transformation on all levels. The specific tools and techniques used during your session will be based on your needs and the needs of the moment.

Finding Your Purpose and Potential

During a shamanic energy medicine session, you can expect to explore your connection to the natural world, animals, elements, and upper, middle, and lower realms. You may also be given the opportunity to explore your past and present issues or gain a deeper understanding of your future potentials or probabilities. You can expect to gain insight into the underlying causes of your issues, find emotional healing, and gain a deeper understanding of your life journey. You can expect to gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual gifts, find your purpose and potential, and become empowered to live your life according to your true nature. You can expect to gain a greater understanding of how you can best use your gifts and talents to serve others.


Shamanic energy medicine is an ancient practice used to heal physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. It involves tapping into the energy of the natural world and connecting with the spirit realm in order to bring balance and harmony to the individual. Through this powerful practice, one can access deep healing and transformation. In a shamanic energy medicine session, the practitioner will use a variety of tools and techniques to access the spiritual realms, facilitate healing, and provide guidance and direction. During a session, you can expect to explore the spiritual realms, connect with the natural world, and access the energy of the elements in order to bring balance and harmony to the individual.

My shamanic energy healing sessions incorporate ancient techniques and wisdom teachings alongside revolutionary discoveries from the fields of neuroscience and epigenetics. I also work within a Tachyon Chamber. Tachyon Energy radiates from pure galactic unity consciousness. These subatomic particles move faster than light to support accelerated clearing and recalibrating. Clients have remarked they feel more relaxed, or peacefully energized. Others have connected with the Divine, archangels, or intuitive guidance from their higher selves. Still, other clients have noticed an anti-aging effect. Tachyon Energy is at work whether the session is in-person or remote.

Hillary Metz, Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner. Sedona, Arizona. hillary.metz@gmail.com. [ 310 - 990 - 3501 ]


Shamanic Energy Healing And The Soul