Cord Cutting

Heals and clears energetic bindings.

cord cutting sedona

Cord Cutting

This shamanic therapy heals and clears energetic contracts that have been passed down through generations. These contracts can present as being subservient, or aggressive, addictions, infidelities…or any multitude of patterns. Wisdom teachings tell us that when a generational imprint is healed, seven generations back and seven generations forward are also healed.

I was concerned about doing a cord-cutting with my wife. Yes, we’re going through difficult times and we also had a lot of really good times in the past. Hillary and I did a cord-cutting with her and that resulted in an increased level of clarity and compassion. My wife and I did divorce; however, we split ways amicably and we are happily co-parenting. I didn’t think that was possible before this work.
— Dale T

Who Could Benefit from Cord Cutting

Feeling overly attached or controlled by another person

Overwhelming thoughts of another person

Compromising your needs and values for someone else’s benefit

Benefits of Cord Cutting

Energy Reclamation

Greater capacity for self-expression

Increased levels of self-love and sovereignty

Book A Session

Sessions are 75 – 90 minutes and are held in my space in Sedona, Arizona or via Phone.

Exchange is $245.

Payment via cash, Venmo or PayPal is accepted before the time of service. A minimum of 24-hours notice is required or the full session fee will be charged. Thank you for your understanding. This work requires your active participation. I work with those who are ready to take full responsibility for their healing and evolution. This work complements many other modalities, however, it is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.


Healing, Beauty, Empowerment, and Transformation