Soul Retrieval

Reconnect with a lost soul part and become whole.

Soul Retrieval

This shamanic therapy is often times a pivotal experience resulting in profound and lasting healing. The Soul is our essential self, our life force, and vitality that allows us to fully engage in a happy and meaningful life and relationships.

Soul loss occurs when an aspect of one’s Soul separates from the physical body to avoid the pain of trauma. This can occur from a single event, from repeated painful patterns, or an extended period of overwhelming stress. This can look like physical, emotional, or mental abuse, debilitating illness or injury, surgery, acts of war, natural disasters, a near-death experience, loss of a loved one or home, or bullying to name a few.

Soul Retrieval is a deep process where the client and I journey to reconnect with their lost soul part. This is a celebration; a reclamation of one’s whole self. Afterward, we discuss lifestyle changes that will be beneficial in supporting this healing process and integrating the soul part.

Soul retrieval was the missing link in my healing journey. Hillary reconnected me with the little girl I was before the abuse began. I’ve experienced a return to innocence, and playfulness, and curiosity. I cannot express how wonderful it is to experience that instead of re-living the pain I endured as a child.
— Janet

Who Could Benefit from Soul Retrieval

Feeling disconnected from self, others, and life

A profound sense of loneliness

Feeling debilitated in some area of life

Benefits of Soul Retrieval

Freedom and Wholeness

Renewed life force

Greater possibilities internally and externally

Book A Session

Sessions are 75 – 90 minutes and are held in my space in Sedona, Arizona or via Phone.

Exchange is $245.

Payment via cash, Venmo or PayPal is accepted before the time of service. A minimum of 24-hours notice is required or the full session fee will be charged. Thank you for your understanding. This work requires your active participation. I work with those who are ready to take full responsibility for their healing and evolution. This work complements many other modalities, however, it is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.


Healing, Beauty, Empowerment, and Transformation