
Quantum Healing with Tachyon. Infusing physical matter with spiritual light.

Tachyon Chamber

I have had the great honor and privilege to work with Tachyon since 2017 and acquired my own Tachyon Chamber in 2019. This technology and energy has assisted me and my clients in achieving accelerated healing, growth, and beauty in many aspects of life.

Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light and have the ability to infuse physical matter with spiritual light. My Tachyon Chamber consists of 6 glass globes and a copper, orgonite pyramid suspended from the ceiling above the treatment table. The treatment table has been enhanced with a tachyonized mat, and a jade, amethyst biomat. Even the paint on the walls has been imbued with Tachyon particles for the ultimate experience. All of these objects have been permanently programmed to emit and radiate Tachyon energy.

Tachyon is one of the most effective, non-invasive means to improve one’s quality of life. These particles assist in removing physical symptoms of many dis-eases by directly restructuring and advancing DNA. Tachyon equally clears and elevates our energy body to improve health and accelerate spiritual growth. Also because Tachyon decreases entropy of physical matter it has the potential to slow the aging process and strengthen the immune system.

Common Experiences

Feeling lighter mentally, emotionally, and energetically

A sense of support and peace

A strong connection to heart and soul

Heightened intuition

Connection to guides and angelic realms

A sense of deep recalibration and revitalization

Book A Session

The Tachyon chamber is available for individual meditation sessions. To begin the session, I will get you comfortable with a blanket, headphones, and an eye mask and return to bring you back from your experience, otherwise, this is an unattended meditation.

60-minute Tachyon Meditation - $139

90-minute Tachyon Meditation - $199

Payment via cash, Venmo, or PayPal is accepted before the time of service. A minimum of 24-hour notice is required or the full session fee will be charged. Thank you for your understanding. This experience complements many other modalities, however, it is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
